Monday, December 27, 2010

New Year, New You, New Job

New Year, New You, New Job!!!!!

Well the New Year is upon us and there are a few last minute things I wanted to share for the upcoming year. The time to make New Year’s resolutions is upon us so what are yours? Will it be to go on another diet? Maybe go to the gym? Eat healthier or maybe quit smoking. No matter what you have planned for your resolution make sure that you resolve to kick that job search into higher gear. There are numerous things that you can do to rekindle your motivation in your job search.

  1. A new year means new and exciting opportunities for everyone. The economy shows slow turn around but that does not mean there are not opportunities in the employment world. Now is the time to re-think how you have been looking for employment. Maybe you were just looking on job boards and not networking. Since 80% of jobs are not posted on job sites that tells you that more can be made networking. Dust off that personality, practice that handshake and make a resolution to get out and network more.
  2. Taking time to make a new and improved you is another feature that you can do to have more opportunities. If your resolution is to join a diet club, or a gym, why not take the time to meet others at these activities, talk work with them, get to know them and add them to your network. Taking the time to spruce yourself up with a hair cut or style, some new (newer) clothes, and working on that confidence that every employer wants to see walking into their establishment can help you gain better opportunities.
  3. Seeing someone like a counselor can also help bring back the motivation to continue the job search. With the confidence that counseling can provide the new and improved you can help you succeed. Looking at every resume that was never answered, all the doors that were closed even after an interview or all the “we have decided to go with another applicant as an opportunity rather than an obstacle can help you stay motivated.
  4. Find your cheerleader in life. Everyone has or knows that one person who can turn lemons into lemonade that can see only the best even when the worst is going on. Talk to this person on a daily basis and listen to the positives they share. In this job market I know it is hard to stay positive, but taking the time to list the pro’s and con’s in your personal life will show you that you do have more going for you.
  5. Do not take no for an answer has been something I have heard for years, it shows determination, dedication and a standard of ethics. If an employer says no, then you see on the job board the exact position again, apply for it again then if they say no and it appears again keep trying. If it continues try and network your way in by contact the CEO on LinkedIn or other social networking sites, ask for an informational interview and show them what you know of their company.
  6. Setting daily goals helps individuals to see the good strides they have made daily. Often times we overlook the small steps and daily things that we achieve, because we are to stressed to see the small picture because the “gigantic” picture of being between jobs is clouding our ability to see the small successes we have daily.

Just remember that in this New Year, you can have a new and excitedly improved you, to secure that new job. It is up to you to see if today is going to be the last start you will have to make for bettering yourself and your situation. Happy Motivation!!!! Oh and Happy New Year and New Career.

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